#26 – Before/After: Blue Jacket, Yellow Glasses
I’m pretty ashamed of myself to be honest.
As I come to the end of my 30 image challenge, I decided that I should go through and have a quick look at what I’ve achieved so far. While doing this, I realised, rather uncomfortably, that I only had two images that represented Women of Colour out of the 25 images I had done so far.
This was, and still is, woefully inadequate.
So off I went and dug through my folders of RAW files that I’d procured from various free websites.
I found three images in my folders, all of this same model. They’re gorgeous. I was really drawn to this image by the model’s smile – it just beams out of the photo.
It was a pretty fast retouch too – only a day or so – the model has great skin, and I think the thing that took the longest was actually fixing the slight texture issue on her cheek. I also had to get my head around burning more, rather than dodging more (like I usually do). I didn’t want to change the skin tone and make it lighter in any way. In fact, the only colour change I did to her skin involved pulling just a tad (like, 1 point) of magenta out of her skin tone using curves, thus making it less flushed (I learnt this from the Dennis Dunbar workshop I mentioned in my last post. It can be found here.)
It was with this image I also did something I haven’t done for an extremely long time – I used layer styles. I believe I last used these back in my undergrad days – so early 2000’s? I had removed the original logos using a combination of clone stamp and content aware fill, and while I could have stopped there I decided to have a little fun. So I added in my own initials instead. 😊 A short fiddle around with gaussian blur, blending modes, and noise later, and I was done.
That’s enough of my yammering though, lets move onto the before and after!
Warning though, I did crop it in Capture One, so nothing lines up anymore. I wanted to get rid of the distracting post in the background, and focus more tightly in on the model.
Hope you’re having a great day, and as always, feel free to leave your thoughts below! See you next time!